Yoga nidra meditation is a form of guided meditation that creates a yogic sleep stage between being awake and sleeping. It is an active form of meditation that has the meditator following guidance to relax into this state of being simultaneously deeply relaxed and completely awake.
Guided to explore body sensations and breath, the meditator slowly moves into the depths of their beingness, deeply listening and welcoming all that arises into awareness when one in this ‘yogic sleep’ state.
When in this state, meditative inquiry goes beyond restrictions placed by the mind, and opportunities are created to be with internal conflict and uncomfortable memories with a new sense of ease. Naturally ushering in a greater understanding of Self.
Yoga nidra offers the means to enter in this unbounded space of non duality awareness and be with a higher realization of Self. In a yoga nidra session, we learn to trust our deeper Self thru the practice of a welcoming self acceptance to all that we are which then births a greater sense of wholeness and equanimity.
Certified Breath work
Sessions in breath work provide the space for profound transformation. When a session is focused on breath work, the circular style of non stop breathing moves the breath throughout the body in powerful ways to release blocks. Other more gentle methods of balancing the body through breath work may also be provided.
The Violet Flame- The Flame of Forgiveness and Transmutation
The Violet Flame is an energy invoked that does not burn like an ordinary fire. It is a spiritual fire providing the means for self transformation as it purifies negativity and density from all levels of our energetic field.
Onyx was drawn to the Violet Flame as she resonates with the violet frequency, and has benefitted herself from daily I AM mantras.
When one connects to their I AM presence — their divine presence of wholeness- the Violet Flame will flow to free blockages through the power of its high vibration.
Onyx enjoys sharing the spirtiual alchemy of this frequency. It is a profound energy for any and all willing hearts to experience and use for themselves.
For further information on the Violet Flame, Patricia Cota- Robles is a wonderful resource to check out.
Last two images on this page: Tim Goedhart and Shyam