Cupping Massage, Suikudo, Acupressure

Cupping MassageCup­ping Mas­sage dates back to Ancient Chi­na, East­ern Europe and Iran. The prac­ti­tion­er moves the cup over areas of body ten­sion, Slid­ing along mus­cle fibres, nerve path­ways and con­nec­tive tis­sue to pull up on scar tis­sue, remove stag­nant body flu­ids (lymph/blood) and break up deep adhe­sions in stuck tis­sue. Restric­tions loosen up so that mus­cles can move with greater range, less pain. The stim­u­la­tion of cir­cu­la­tion helps the skin with the increase of blood flow and healthy elim­i­na­tion of tox­ins is encour­aged. This work invig­o­rates the body and pro­duces heal­ing as it sedates the ner­vous sys­tem, and is an effec­tive tech­nique to add into a massage.

Suiku­do means “The Way of Ancient Wis­dom”. It is a heal­ing prac­tice cre­at­ed by Mas­ter Kikkawa from his knowl­edge of active neu­rore­lease in con­junc­tion with tra­di­tion­al Japan­ese medicine.

Green web

Suiku­do rec­og­nizes the prime role the brain plays in regards to the pres­ence of pain and dys­func­tion. There­fore, Suiku­do tech­niques aim to to read­just ner­vous sys­tem pat­tern­ing and trig­ger the brain for the body’s self heal­ing by con­nect­ing the ner­vous sys­tem and vital merid­i­an pathways.

Onyx had the hon­our and plea­sure to study with Mas­ter Kikkawa and incor­po­rates aspects of Suiku­do with­in ses­sions to sup­port the treatment.

Acu­pres­sure ther­a­py applies light to deep pres­sure on acupunc­ture points through­out the body. Par­tic­u­lar­ly potent points are locat­ed on the arms, legs and around the head. On the feet, hands and ears there are chart­ed maps of reflex­es on these small­er body parts that cor­re­spond to larg­er body areas, organs and glands, so pres­sure to a point on the foot or hand will affect the cor­re­spond­ing area in the body.


Spe­cif­ic points are acti­vat­ed to bring about phys­i­cal, men­tal and emo­tion­al shifts. Onyx’s exper­tise in ener­gy med­i­cine inter­weaves the ben­e­fits of acu­pres­sure into a massage/energy heal­ing session.

Pho­to cred­it for green web: Shan­non Potter

Shout out to R.K. Clipperton.