Loving Words

In accor­dance with the Col­lege of Mas­sage Ther­a­py the fol­low­ing tes­ti­mo­ni­als are for ser­vices offered such as Cran­iosacral therapy.

Reg­is­tered Mas­sage Ther­a­py is not includ­ed below.

Onyx is an incred­i­bly gift­ed, con­nect­ed and beau­ti­ful evolved soul and has been such a bless­ing in my life. The ener­gy she brings to her work is so pure, pal­pa­ble and heart-cen­tered and I feel direct­ly how this ener­gy is help­ing me to trans­form into a high­er ver­sion of my Self.

She has such an exten­sive back­ground and spheres of knowl­edge in many dif­fer­ent modal­i­ties of heal­ing and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, so she is an incred­i­ble resource for under­stand­ing and bring­ing togeth­er these modal­i­ties and inte­grat­ing the spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing nec­es­sary to affect great change in one’s life. She is such a light to the world and we are so blessed to have her here!!” — Tina Kim


I would like to thank you so much for intro­duc­ing me to Cran­iosacral ther­a­py! I had no idea that this type of ther­a­py could have such life chang­ing and last­ing effects. As you know I have a very high stress cor­po­rate posi­tion in which I work crazy hours. I get myself so wound up that I can­not phys­i­cal­ly or men­tal­ly relax. Dur­ing a ses­sion with you, I expe­ri­ence a com­plete and very deep relax­ation that I can’t describe oth­er than much wel­comed and need­ed relief from pro­longed stress. I find it amaz­ing that you pal­pate dif­fer­ent parts of the body and know exact­ly what to do to have me relax completely.

I would high­ly rec­om­mend Onyx for her exper­tise in Cran­iosacral ther­a­py, her pro­fes­sion­al­ism and her qui­et and car­ing man­ner. This is a won­der­ful expe­ri­ence that will ben­e­fit every­one in this fast- paced life.”

— Karen Bertrand, R.N., B.A.

“Towards the end of the ses­sion, a feel­ing of pure joy and peace enveloped me as Onyx per­formed Light lan­guage with the Vio­let light along my whole body. I felt accept­ed, lift­ed and released in her hands. After the whole ses­sion was over, I could only describe this feel­ing as a lay­er had been lift­ed off of me (like a snake shed­ding skin) and I had not felt this pain free and relaxed in a very long time. I would def­i­nite­ly return to under­stand my own body’s strengths, which is what Onyx’s treat­ments have giv­en me so far”. — Ruby Nangia
Onyx, your light lan­guage takes me to a very deep place with­in myself. It trans­ports me into the very depths of my soul, and always has a deep impact on me. It invokes the mem­o­ries of some­thing I’ve been involved in for thou­sands of years. Very pow­er­ful work! I always have the most amaz­ing shifts on all lev­els dur­ing your sessions.
- Rev Cyn­thia Keating

Onyx is a deeply grace­ful and sen­si­tive heal­er who played a piv­otal role in my recov­ery from a long term diges­tive dis­or­der. Replen­ish­ing the affect­ed area through Cran­iosacral ther­a­py, along with the dai­ly aware­ness this work brought me, even­tu­al­ly enabled me to ful­ly regain my health.”

— Leah Herman

I find Onyx to be an amaz­ing Suiku­do and Cran­iosacral ther­a­pist. I found her work effec­tive in reliev­ing shoul­der ten­sion, and always leave a ses­sion feel­ing rejuvenated.

I trust her work immense­ly and would rec­om­mend her to any­one I know.”

— S. Hamming

My expe­ri­ence with Cran­iosacral ther­a­py has been won­der­ful. Before see­ing Onyx I would always be tense around the neck and shoul­der area which would then lead to low­er back pain. After the first vis­it my body felt a huge release.

I was in a car acci­dent 15 years ago and the trau­ma from this had caused some emo­tion­al ten­sion which I may not have been aware of, but my sub­con­scious was aware and nev­er for­got. After a few vis­its I start­ed see­ing changes with­in my body.

Thank — you Onyx for allow­ing me to be more aware of what my body needs!”

— Eliz­a­beth Estrada


Before I came to Onyx, I expe­ri­enced great dis­com­fort with PMS migraine headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eye strain. After a few ses­sions with Onyx’s Cran­iosacral ther­a­py, I have seen great improve­ment on my over­all health and well­ness. Onyx is one of the most car­ing, sup­port­ive and enthu­si­as­tic ther­a­pist I’ve encoun­tered. Her treat­ments are relax­ing and ther­a­peu­tic to both body and mind. Thank — you Onyx.”

— S.H.

My expe­ri­ences with Onyx have been noth­ing short of stel­lar. She is well versed in mul­ti­ple modal­i­ties which has been a bless­ing for me. Her sched­ule is very flex­i­ble and I find her a plea­sure to deal with. I find her thor­ough and knowledgeable”.

- Trish Cassling

Pho­to cred­it thank you: Kar­ly Santiago