
Treatment Room

For ses­sions con­tact Onyx

705 — 279 — 7147

Email con­tact:

NOTE for online ener­getic sessions.

Ener­getic ther­a­pies do not take the place of med­ical care. It is rec­om­mend­ed that clients see a licensed physi­cian for any phys­i­cal or psy­cho­log­i­cal ail­ment they may have. Ener­gy heal­ing tech­niques should be used as a com­pli­ment to med­ical or psy­cho­log­i­cal care. Onyx Uri­arte does not pre­scribe or per­form med­ical diag­no­sis and/or treat­ment. Nor does she inter­fere with the treat­ment a client is receiv­ing from a licensed med­ical professional.