Registered Acupuncture
Based in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Japanese needling approach.
The Acupuncturist palpates the pulse of the body’s systems, the hara (torso area) and channels along the body where the “Qi”, life force of the body flows, in order to determine what acupuncture points on the channels when needled will best serve to balance the body.
Acupuncture addresses a variety of conditions; headaches/migraines, chronic pain, menstrual difficulties, insomnia, morning sickness, infertility, anxiety and depression. Needle protocol has hygiene in place with one time use of disposable needles.
Onyx’s technique is overall gentle with needling. When following her studies in Japanese acupuncture Onyx will use a silver pin to tap on the skin so there is no penetration beneath the skin, and other times she may use a crystal point in order to activate acupuncture points in a session.
If it is beneficial Moxa is used along side needles or in place of a needle on a acupuncture point. Moxa is a herb also known as Mugwort. It has a warming effect that smooths and moves stuck Qi and blood in the body, and expels pathogenic influences. Moxa is placed on a base of protective shiunko paste to then burn the herb on an acupuncture point to release the warming essence of the herb into the channel. The scent of burning moxa is unique, and many people find it to have a therapeutic and relaxing aroma.
Bottom photo credit: Cory Bouthillette