Phosphorus Flame Intention and the Body Elemental

The cre­ative birth and expe­ri­ence of the

Phos­pho­rus Flame Heal­ing Intention.

A note from Onyx:

I am hon­oured to be present hold­ing light with­in the poten­cy of the lim­i­nal space cre­ated between myself and anoth­er in session.

Lov­ing the sto­ries of mythol­ogy, this space reminds me of the cross­roads where the god­dess Hekate stands hold­ing torch­es to light the dark under­world paths tak­en on the jour­ney of self heal­ing discovery.

Hekate is a psy­chopomp, serv­ing as a guide dur­ing trans­for­ma­tional expe­ri­ences with non — judge­men­tal com­pas­sion. As a triple god­dess she bridges the ener­gies of sky, earth and water and holds the lit torch which con­nects her to Phos­pho­rus the Morn­ing Star.

In this ele­men­tal con­nec­tion I see the nat­ural won­der of bio­lu­mi­nes­cence, the sparkling light cre­ated from the decay of phos­pho­rus that dances on the water.


Build­ing upon this metaphor for a heal­ing inten­tion, I looked deep­er into the nature of the min­er­al phos­pho­rus. It is a min­er­al essen­tial to all life as it forms the back bone of DNA and RNA, and is impor­tant for ener­gy trans­fer in every cell. Phos­pho­rus builds our bones and teeth, the sub­stance of our bod­ies where we ener­get­i­cal­ly hold the wis­dom of our ancestors.

On my own soul’s jour­ney towards greater whole­ness, in the watery depths of my psy­che I have felt the guid­ance of this sacred torch fire burn­ing away the dross. Allow­ing myself to be like water and nat­u­ral­ly flow with­in the vast ocean of my beingness.

Hekate is an ini­ti­a­trix to the greater Mys­ter­ies, and in ses­sion it is an awe­some expe­ri­ence to be with anoth­er and see them take up the torch and shine their way through the dark.

Deep­er Merg­ing with our Ally — The Body Elemental

A gen­er­al overview of the ener­getic bod­ies around the phys­i­cal form has the ether­ic body as the dens­est body just out­side of our phys­i­cal form like an out­line about 2 inch­es off the phys­i­cal form. The ether­ic body hous­es the Body Ele­men­tal which is the con­scious­ness of our phys­i­cal body.

The Body Ele­men­tal con­nects to all 4 bod­ies — the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and men­tal and ether­ic. We can address imbal­ances with­in our phys­i­cal body when we con­nect to the wis­dom of our Body Ele­men­tal and cre­ate a more inti­mate rela­tion­ship with this somat­ic intelligence.

Corvus Kiss 2

Onyx with Corvus Rei­ki, a feath­ered friend now in spir­it, who lov­ing­ly assists Onyx dur­ing transitions.

Top pho­to cred­it: Kevin Wolf

Shout out to R.K. Clipperton