Energy Healing with Light and Sound

Energy Healing

In ses­sion, Onyx works as a con­duit of light ener­gies. She receives and reveals the ener­gies as they emerge — like going into a dark room and shin­ing a flash light on for oth­ers to see.

” At our most ele­men­tal, we are not a chem­i­cal reac­tion, but an ener­getic charge. Human beings and all liv­ing things are a coa­les­cence of ener­gy in a field of ener­gy con­nect­ed to every oth­er thing in the world. This pul­sat­ing ener­gy field is the cen­tral engine of our being and our con­scious­ness, the alpha and omega of our exis­tence” - Lynne McTaggart

Human con­scious­ness is the heal­ing tech­nol­o­gy we have to acti­vate and expand into the field of ener­gy around us. An ener­getic ses­sion opens the door and acknowl­edges the con­nec­tion we have with this infi­nite field of ener­gy that is present for reju­ve­na­tion on all lev­els; phys­i­cal, men­tal, emo­tion­al and ether­ic, and strength­ens our con­nec­tion to the wis­dom of our own Life force ener­gy. Ener­gies acti­vat­ed in ses­sion expand the field of pos­si­bil­i­ties for the recip­i­ent on the table.

Ener­gy Med­i­cine from Egypt­ian Mys­tery School Teachings

After com­plet­ing Rei­ki, Onyx was then called to immerse her­self in a five year in depth study of Egypt­ian Mys­tery school teach­ings to fur­ther deep­en her under­stand­ing of the human ener­gy field. It was then that Onyx’s love of sound heal­ing began and many nights of howl­ing at the moon! Bring­ing sound­ing to the ses­sion table is a col­lab­o­ra­tive explo­ration between Onyx and client even if the recip­i­ent decides to lis­ten rather than join in.

When in alliance with the wis­dom of the body, the son­ic expres­sion that res­onates out can clear block­ages and con­nect one to inner per­son­al pow­er. The har­mon­ics cre­at­ed in sound­ing ses­sions bring what is most need­ed ‑from sooth­ing lul­la­bies to pow­er­ful trans­mut­ing and cleans­ing energies.

Hands on heal­ing rais­es the body’s ener­gy lev­els and pro­vides ener­getic assis­tance to move beyond pat­terned con­di­tions and reac­tions. This work intends to bring heart and mind togeth­er for the cre­ation of a greater inter­nal capac­i­ty to flow with Life’s beau­ty and chal­lenges. One is brought deep­er into their life and towards their bliss

Besides hands- on heal­ing, var­i­ous exer­cis­es may be giv­en to fur­ther facil­i­tate the heal­ing process.

aqua touch

Light Lan­guage

Light Lan­guage is a form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion lay­ered with infor­ma­tion because it is mul­ti dimen­sion­al. It res­onates with the soul and is best to expe­ri­ence in a relaxed state out of an lin­ear mind. The high­er fre­quen­cies of the lan­guage once received assist to fur­ther relax and expand the receiv­er into gam­ma brain wave state. This lib­er­ates the receiv­er to expand on many lev­els, men­tal, emo­tion­al and spir­i­tu­al. In this expand­ed state of being the receiv­er taps into realms of wis­dom, heal­ing and insight that are unique to them.

Light lan­guage is received in var­i­ous forms; spo­ken work, singing, ges­tures, and may be seen in writ­ing and expressed in art.

Onyx acts as a con­duit of Light and con­nects to a high­er stream of con­sciouness when shar­ing Light lan­guage. The spo­ken word and singing trans­mit­ted is usu­al­ly not under­stood as a known earth lan­guage- but to the clients who have received the trans­mis­sion it has been described in a vari­ety of ways. Famil­iar, ances­tral, and shaman­ic have been some com­ments from recipents.

Towards the end of the ses­sion, a feel­ing of pure joy and peace enveloped me as Onyx per­formed Light lan­guage with the Vio­let light along my whole body. I felt accept­ed, lift­ed and released in her hands. After the whole ses­sion was over, I could only describe this feel­ing as a lay­er had been lift­ed off of me (like a snake shed­ding skin) and I had not felt this pain free and relaxed in a very long time.” 

************************************************************** Ruby Nangia

Onyx your light lan­guage takes me to a very deep place with­in myself. It trans­ports me into the very depths of my soul. It always has a deep impact on me. It invokes the mem­o­ries of some­thing I’ve been involved in for thou­sands of years.

Very pow­er­ful work! I always have the most amaz­ing shifts on all lev­els dur­ing your ses­sions.” **************************************** Rev. Cyn­thia Keating

Gold LL

The sci­ence of Cymat­ics explains how sound and vibra­tion affect our bod­ies and entire ener­gy field. Refer to the link above on Cymat­ics to read more on this study of trans­for­ma­tion­al sound vibrations.


Orig­i­nat­ing from Tibet, Rei­ki is a gen­tle hands- on ener­getic treat­ment that works on the body’s main ener­getic chakra cen­tres- as well as oth­er areas of the body. Rei­ki sup­plies a height­en vibra­tion to calm, nur­ture and break away blocked ener­gy for a restora­tion of bal­ance and vital­i­ty. Onyx was blessed to study with Rei­ki Mas­ter Ani­ta Levin, with­in the teach­ing lin­eage of Mrs. Hawayo Takata.

Recon­nec­tive Heal­ing and The Reconnection

Recon­nec­tive Healing 

Spe­cif­ic fre­quen­cies are acti­vat­ed that recon­nect us to the full­ness of the uni­verse as it recon­nects us to who we are. These fre­quen­cies are of a new band­width brought in via a spec­trum of light and infor­ma­tion. One to three ses­sions is the usu­al time frame to expe­ri­ence Recon­nec­tive Healing.

The Recon­nec­tion

The sacred geom­e­try of The Recon­nec­tion is com­plet­ed in two sessions.

The sacred geom­e­try’s inten­tion here is to bring us into the full­ness of our inher­ent uni­ver­sal connection.

A Recon­nec­tive Heal­ing ses­sion before­hand may be called for to pre­pare for the link­ing of one’s ener­gy field to the greater axi­a­ton­al ener­gy field/grid.

The two process­es of Recon­nec­tive heal­ing and The Recon­nec­tion cross over to a cer­tain extent, but are to be expe­ri­enced on sep­a­rate occasions.

Dis­tant Sessions 

The above modal­i­ties offered by Onyx are expe­ri­enced over the phone/on line or in person.

Dis­tant ses­sions can also include ener­getic cran­iosacral and acupressure.

2nd pho­to: Yoann Boy­er 3rd: Michael Dziedzic