Registered Acupuncture/Moxibustion

Reg­is­tered Acupuncture

Based in Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Med­i­cine and a Japan­ese needling approach.

needle and crystals

The Acupunc­tur­ist pal­pates the pulse of the body’s sys­tems, the hara (tor­so area) and chan­nels along the body where the “Qi”, life force of the body flows, in order to deter­mine what acupunc­ture points on the chan­nels when nee­dled will best serve to bal­ance the body.

Acupunc­ture address­es a vari­ety of con­di­tions; headaches/migraines, chron­ic pain, men­stru­al dif­fi­cul­ties, insom­nia, morn­ing sick­ness, infer­til­i­ty, anx­i­ety and depres­sion. Nee­dle pro­to­col has hygiene in place with one time use of dis­pos­able needles.

Onyx’s tech­nique is over­all gen­tle with needling. When fol­low­ing her stud­ies in Japan­ese acupunc­ture Onyx will use a sil­ver pin to tap on the skin so there is no pen­e­tra­tion beneath the skin, and oth­er times she may use a crys­tal point in order to acti­vate acupunc­ture points in a session.

stick with me


If it is ben­e­fi­cial Moxa is used along side nee­dles or in place of a nee­dle on a acupunc­ture point. Moxa is a herb also known as Mug­wort. It has a warm­ing effect that smooths and moves stuck Qi and blood in the body, and expels path­o­gen­ic influ­ences. Moxa is placed on a base of pro­tec­tive shi­unko paste to then burn the herb on an acupunc­ture point to release the warm­ing essence of the herb into the chan­nel. The scent of burn­ing moxa is unique, and many peo­ple find it to have a ther­a­peu­tic and relax­ing aroma.

Bot­tom pho­to cred­it: Cory Bouthillette