Craniosacral Therapy and SER: Somatic- emotional release

Con­nect­ing with the Body’s Pow­er to Heal

Craniosacral Therapy

Cran­iosacral ther­a­py is a gen­tle touch ther­a­py that brings deep relax­ation and reju­ve­na­tion to both body and mind.

This ther­a­py uti­lizes the phys­i­o­log­i­cal rhythm that comes from the move­ment of the cere­brospinal flu­id cre­at­ing var­i­ous pres­sures on cra­nial bones and along the spine.

Cran­iosacral ther­a­py man­i­fests sig­nif­i­cant changes in the mind-body sys­tem by its’ imme­di­ate con­tact with the cen­tral ner­vous system.

Dur­ing a ses­sion the receiv­er may remain ful­ly clothed as the CST ther­a­pist uses a light touch for the release of restric­tive pat­terns held in the body. Though the ther­a­pist may facil­i­tate direct releas­es, their pri­ma­ry focus is to fol­low the move­ment of the body’s tis­sues and mon­i­tor the rhythm in order to sup­port the body’s nat­ur­al mode of self- heal­ing. Hon­our­ing the wis­dom of the body.

Cran­iosacral ther­a­py can ben­e­fit the body in numer­ous ways due to its influ­ence on the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem. Results vary from increased phys­i­cal mobil­i­ty, pain relief and deep relax­ation. And it is a won­der­ful heal­ing tech­nique to add into a mas­sage session.

Somat­ic Emo­tion­al Release (SER)

SER opens up the con­nec­tion of an inter­nal dia­logue with­in the body for the per­son on the table who intends to drop into a deep­er release of stuck­ness, and pain in the body. 

Vocal expres­sion of body imagery and sen­sa­tion through a shar­ing process in word and sound with Onyx gives voice to the intel­li­gence of the body’s tis­sues. The inten­tion of SER pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to express men­tal and emo­tion­al pain in order to free the body of phys­i­cal imbal­ances and dis­com­fort, while arriv­ing at a greater under­stand­ing of ones inner landscape.

Onyx has stud­ied Cran­iosacral ther­a­py with the Upledger Insti­tute and sev­er­al promi­nent Cana­di­an teach­ers. She has teacher assist­ed for the Cra­nial Cen­tre, Toron­to on numer­ous occa­sions. Some con­di­tions treat­ed include:

Migraines and headaches Chron­ic Ear infections TMJ dys­func­tion
Chron­ic neck/back pain Tin­ni­tus Sports injuries
Anx­i­ety Surgery preparation/recovery Trau­mat­ic phys­i­cal injuries
Emo­tion­al trauma/difficulties Autism