Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage TherapyMas­sage Ther­a­py is the manip­u­la­tion of the body’s soft tissues.

Mas­sage can pro­vide relief from pain and be of great assis­tance to main­tain phys­i­cal health.

It is a safe modal­i­ty for peo­ple of all ages.

Overuse/Repetitive Strain Syndromes Diges­tive Disorders Mus­cle Strains
Sci­at­i­ca and oth­er Nerve Pain Pos­tur­al Imbal­ances (Sco­l­io­sis) Stress
Arthrit­ic Conditions Frac­tures and Dislocations Dis­com­fort of Pregnancy
Fibromyalgia/ Chron­ic Fatigue Lung Infec­tions (Bronchitis/Asthma) Whiplash
(ten­sion and migraine)

Reg­is­tered Mas­sage Ther­a­py is cov­ered by many pri­vate insur­ance com­pa­nies. Full or par­tial cov­er­age under Extend­ed Health Care Ben­e­fits Plans enables one to ben­e­fit from the ther­a­peu­tic effects of mas­sage therapy.

Mas­sage can pro­vide relief from con­di­tions and lead to a greater lev­el of health through a more devel­oped sense of body aware­ness, deep relax­ation and from the self care edu­ca­tion received from your Mas­sage ther­a­pist on how to restore bal­ance with­in your dai­ly life.