The Violet Flame, Breath work and Yoga Nidra meditation


Yoga nidra med­i­ta­tion is a form of guid­ed med­i­ta­tion that cre­ates a yog­ic sleep stage between being awake and sleep­ing. It is an active form of med­i­ta­tion that has the med­i­ta­tor fol­low­ing guid­ance to relax into this state of being simul­ta­ne­ous­ly deeply relaxed and com­plete­ly awake.

Guid­ed to explore body sen­sa­tions and breath, the med­i­ta­tor slow­ly moves into the depths of their being­ness, deeply lis­ten­ing and wel­com­ing all that aris­es into aware­ness when one in this ‘yog­ic sleep’ state.

When in this state, med­i­ta­tive inquiry goes beyond restric­tions placed by the mind, and oppor­tu­ni­ties are cre­at­ed to be with inter­nal con­flict and uncom­fort­able mem­o­ries with a new sense of ease. Nat­u­ral­ly ush­er­ing in a greater under­stand­ing of Self.

Yoga nidra offers the means to enter in this unbound­ed space of non dual­i­ty aware­ness and be with a high­er real­iza­tion of Self. In a yoga nidra ses­sion, we learn to trust our deep­er Self thru the prac­tice of a wel­com­ing self accep­tance to all that we are which then births a greater sense of whole­ness and equanimity.

Cer­ti­fied Breath work

Ses­sions in breath work pro­vide the space for pro­found trans­for­ma­tion. When a ses­sion is focused on breath work, the cir­cu­lar style of non stop breath­ing moves the breath through­out the body in pow­er­ful ways to release blocks. Oth­er more gen­tle meth­ods of bal­anc­ing the body through breath work may also be provided.

Breathe photo

The Vio­let Flame- The Flame of For­give­ness and Transmutation 

The Vio­let Flame is an ener­gy invoked that does not burn like an ordi­nary fire. It is a spir­i­tu­al fire pro­vid­ing the means for self trans­for­ma­tion as it puri­fies neg­a­tiv­i­ty and den­si­ty from all lev­els of our ener­getic field.

Onyx was drawn to the Vio­let Flame as she res­onates with the vio­let fre­quen­cy, and has ben­e­fit­ted her­self from dai­ly I AM mantras.

When one con­nects to their I AM pres­ence — their divine pres­ence of whole­ness- the Vio­let Flame will flow to free block­ages through the pow­er of its high vibration.

Onyx enjoys shar­ing the spir­tiual alche­my of this fre­quen­cy. It is a pro­found ener­gy for any and all will­ing hearts to expe­ri­ence and use for themselves.

sheldon fire

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the Vio­let Flame, Patri­cia Cota- Rob­les is a won­der­ful resource to check out.

Last two images on this page: Tim Goed­hart and Shyam