
Onyx was born in Detroit Michi­gan, and fam­i­ly cir­cum­stances moved her to Cana­da. This life trans­for­ma­tive move at a young age, plant­ed the seed in Onyx to be impas­sioned on a search towards a greater sense of whole­ness. This per­son­al explo­ration was fueled by Onyx’s desire to come to a greater under­stand­ing of what being human is in rela­tion to suf­fer­ing. As a teen Onyx was inspired by Don Juan’s words to Car­los Cas­taneda, “To the ordi­nary man, every­thing that hap­pens to him is either a curse or a bless­ing. To a war­rior, each thing is a chal­lenge.” Here the mean­ing of war­rior fol­lows the prac­tic­e of human brav­ery, and fear­less­ness. To be hero­ic and kind, to be who you are, and tak­e on the respon­si­bil­ity of offer­ing help to oth­ers with­out imposition.

Over time her heal­ing jour­ney revealed lay­ers of pro­gram­ming from a vari­ety of sources in place to rein­force angst and hard­ship. As Onyx cleared her­self of these old pat­terns and recov­ered more of her own life force ener­gy, it became appar­ent to her that the suf­fer­ing that fills human sto­ries could be repro­grammed to cre­ate a shift into a life infused with joy­ful pur­pose. Onyx is devot­ed to embody­ing her life force in a flow towards ever greater whole­ness and inner peace.

In ser­vice to oth­ers Onyx is a cat­a­lyst and con­duit of sound and light fre­quen­cies. Her pres­ence, along with her aware­ness of the unique­ness of every­one with­in the uni­ver­sal back­ground of our shared human­i­ty, pro­vides a lov­ing cru­cible for the unfold­ment of cre­ative heal­ing solu­tions in every session.

Stud­ies and oth­er Experience

Onyx is a grad­u­ate of York Uni­ver­si­ty in The­atre Direc­tion /Psychology. She spent a few years on the the­atre scene before study­ing at ISIS- Cana­da to grad­u­ate as a cer­ti­fied Expres­sive Art Ther­a­pist. For sev­er­al years she was part of a research project with the Toron­to School Board in alliance with the Clarke Insti­tute, and lat­er the George Hull Cen­tre. In this project, Onyx part­nered with teach­ers to use dra­ma ther­a­py in the class­room as a means of con­nect­ing with “at risk” children.

Onyx’s expres­sive art ther­a­py deep­ened into the body- mind con­nec­tion for six years at Muki Baum Treat­ment Cen­tre For Adults and Chil­dren with Com­plex Dis­abil­i­ties.  Here she was being informed very much so from the phys­i­cal body, and the impor­tance of being com­fort­able in our own skin. This inter­est led Onyx to var­i­ous stud­ies of body work; com­plet­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in kun­dali­ni yoga teacher tran­ing, exten­sive per­son­al work in shaman­ic ener­gy heal­ing, and fur­ther train­ings in sound and move­ment ther­a­py through­out Cana­da and the Unit­ed States. In 2006, she began a full time study in Mas­sage Ther­a­py at Kikkawa Col­lege and grad­u­at­ed with honours.


Get­ting to know her clien­t’s over the years, it became appar­ent that many face the respon­si­bil­i­ty of sup­port­ing their aging par­ents and oth­er rel­a­tives. The med­i­ta­tive qual­i­ty of her work and her pas­sion to assist oth­ers led Onyx to Con­tem­pla­tive End of Life Care stud­ies at the Insti­tute of Tra­di­tion­al Med­i­cine in 2012. When called upon she is now hon­oured to offer sooth­ing touch in pal­lia­tive care offer­ing her ser­vices as a death doula.

Onyx then fol­lowed a heart call­ing to take a deep dive into Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Med­i­cine and Acupunc­ture (includ­ing Japan­ese acupunc­ture, Hon­ours grad­u­ate) at the AIM Acad­e­my in Toron­to. Along with Tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese Med­i­cine acupunc­ture she also learned a gen­tle Japan­ese acupunc­ture approach that mix­es well with ener­gy work, sound heal­ing and massage.

Onyx has kept her cre­ative process and med­i­ta­tive prac­tice alive. Her per­son­al expe­ri­ence with Kun­dali­ni and Yoga nidra med­i­ta­tion stud­ies, along with oth­er ener­getic sound and breath work approach­es pro­vide a fer­tile ground for her to be with clients on their own heal­ing journeys.

One or more of these modal­i­ties men­tioned above can be expe­ri­enced in a session.

Phos­pho­rus Flame Heal­ing Intention

A bril­liant equi­lib­rium emerges in when we open up to our inner heal­ing power.

The beau­ty of this bal­ance is often wit­nessed by Onyx in ses­sion and gave it birth to the metaphor of a har­mo­nious union of water and fire. Onyx envi­sioned a flame burn­ing at ease with­in a watery realm sym­bol­iz­ing the res­o­lu­tion of duality.

P Flame

Phos­pho­rus Flame heal­ing holds the inten­tion of going beyond the strug­gle in dual­ity to a greater state of har­mony. Onyx embod­ies this inten­tion in ses­sions with what­ever modal­ity being called for in the moment.
violet embrace

The evo­lu­tion of modal­i­ties in ses­sion such as the inclu­sion of Light Lan­guage reveals the poten­cy found when the present moment is keyed into and inten­tion of ser­vice is to the high­est heal­ing gesture.

Yoga nidra med­i­ta­tion, breath­work, ener­getic sound­ing ses­sions and oth­er modal­i­ties done by dis­tance can also be accessed on line and by phone.

Pho­to cred­its: R.K. Clip­per­ton, Mark Tegeth­off, Dou­glas Bagg and Chris Ensey